Chromium has an additional SPU that is capable of taking snapshots of the current state of certain aspects of how everything is performing, this is the Perf SPU.
Currently we have two mechanisms in which to obtain performance counters. These are frame based (i.e. via SwapBuffers) or timer based. To set Chromium up for this performance criteria, in your applications, we can issue the commands:
The first of these will start timer on a five second interval counting vertex statistics through SwapBuffers, and dump the relevant statistics on every fifth second. The second will dump the statistics on every 1000'th frame (again through SwapBuffers).
NOTE: To stop the timer at any time, issue:
The statistics themselves are dumped to a log file. This can be stderr, stdout or a log file specified through the startup python script. Some examples:
The %H is expanded into the hostname of the running node. This approach doesn't allow a unified logfile in which to output these statistics, so instead - we can use the mothership in which to dump data back to which collates all perfSPU data.
In addition to setting the above, you must also set the logfile in which the mothership should 'append' data. This is defined through an environment variable - CR_PERF_MOTHERSHIP_LOGFILE, which should define the full path and logfile to output all incoming data.
NOTE: Using the mothership logging facility will disable the 'log_file' ability.
Additional helper functions for use with the performance SPU are:
Equivalent functions (from above) that are accessible to applications:
The last one of these above - token, gives the ability to attach an extra string to each line of the output. This is useful to identify certain statistics that are defined as 'interesting'.
We can also issue a request to the perfSPU to dump our statistics on demand, through:
Finally, to interact with the statistics that the perfSPU is monitoring, we can use:
Both of these will return pointers to the data structures used in the perfSPU itself. Look in include/cr_perf.h for the information provided. Using this information, you can reset, or tweak, the data that the perfSPU is monitoring.
Finally, to ensure the data is collected right to the end of the process that's running - be sure to issue a SIGTERM to the application (not crappfaker). This will ensure the SPU chain is shutdown cleanly and all data dumped to the logfile.
Current sample output from atlantis, running with four crserver processes and with the tilesortSPU, on different nodes follows:
HeadSPU redhat FRAMESTATS 1000 POLYGONS 576000 576000 HeadSPU redhat FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex3fv 1859000 1859000 HeadSPU redhat FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_TRIS 461000 461000 HeadSPU redhat FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_QUADS 107000 107000 HeadSPU redhat FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POLYGONS 8000 8000 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 POLYGONS 161153 161153 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex3fv 518826 518826 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex4fv 1214 1214 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POINTS 374 374 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_LINES 1664 1664 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_TRIS 126422 126422 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_QUADS 31364 31364 sabrewulf FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POLYGONS 1936 1936 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 POLYGONS 281181 281181 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex3fv 908531 908531 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex4fv 2048 2048 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POINTS 652 652 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_LINES 2741 2741 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_TRIS 218043 218043 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_QUADS 57149 57149 aticatac FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POLYGONS 3620 3620 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 POLYGONS 156371 156371 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex3fv 503225 503225 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex4fv 1422 1422 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POINTS 711 711 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_LINES 1509 1509 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_TRIS 122894 122894 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_QUADS 29786 29786 pssst FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POLYGONS 2182 2182 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 POLYGONS 279325 279325 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex3fv 902115 902115 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 glVertex4fv 2580 2580 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POINTS 1290 1290 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_LINES 2615 2615 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_TRIS 217065 217065 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_QUADS 55445 55445 jetpack FRAMESTATS 1000 INTERP_POLYGONS 4200 4200 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 0 PORT 7000 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 17020 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 0 PORT 7000 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 15816964 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 1 PORT 7001 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 17020 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 1 PORT 7001 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 28437708 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7002 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 17020 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7002 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 15535012 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 3 PORT 7003 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 17020 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 CONNECTION ID 3 PORT 7003 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 28104632 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 TOTAL FRAMES 1060 HeadSPU redhat SPUID 0 TOTAL CLEARS 1061 sabrewulf SPUID 2 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7000 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 15816964 sabrewulf SPUID 2 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7000 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 17020 sabrewulf SPUID 2 TOTAL FRAMES 1060 sabrewulf SPUID 2 TOTAL CLEARS 1061 aticatac SPUID 4 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7001 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 28437708 aticatac SPUID 4 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7001 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 17020 aticatac SPUID 4 TOTAL FRAMES 1060 aticatac SPUID 4 TOTAL CLEARS 1061 pssst SPUID 6 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7002 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 15535012 pssst SPUID 6 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7002 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 17020 pssst SPUID 6 TOTAL FRAMES 1060 pssst SPUID 6 TOTAL CLEARS 1061 jetpack SPUID 8 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7003 TOTAL_BYTES RECEIVED 28104632 jetpack SPUID 8 CONNECTION ID 2 PORT 7003 TOTAL_BYTES SENT 17020 jetpack SPUID 8 TOTAL FRAMES 1060 jetpack SPUID 8 TOTAL CLEARS 1060